The electrochemical machining process is based on the material removal from workpiece as a consequence of electrochemical reactions developed between the workpiece material and electrolyte, when both tool electrode and workpiece are found in an electrolyte and they are connected in the electric circuit of a direct current supply. Distinct factors could exert influence on the sizes of parameters of technological interest in case of electrochemical machining process. The paper presents the results of some theoretical considerations and experimental researches concerning the evolution of the work gap size and diminishing the test piece mass in case of using a conical active surface of the test piece and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride as electrolyte. The experimental results were mathematically processed and empirical mathematical models were determined. The empirical models and the graphical representations based on these empirical models illustrated the diminishing of the final gap size when the angle of conical surface increases and when the initial gap size is higher; the increase of voltage determines an increase of the final gap size. A similar influence is exerted when the test piece mass is considered as output factor.
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