• Alin Pop University of Oradea
  • Ioan Radu University of Oradea
  • Florin Blaga University of Oradea
Keywords: finite element analysis, abaqus, punch speed, kinetic energy


Analysis drawing process can sometimes be quite expensive and time consuming. Finite Element analysis manages to solve some of these shortcomings. It is very important that the results obtained by finite element simulation to be close to those obtained experimentally. This happens only when the drawing process parameters are correctly set. In some cases it is necessary to change artificial these parameters but without having an effect on the results. Increasing speed punch in the deep drawing process, can be applied only when it can be proven that the process is quasi-static.


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How to Cite
Pop, A., Radu, I., & Blaga, F. (2015). FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS STUDY ON DEEP DRAWING SPEED PUNCH. Nonconventional Technologies Review, 19(1). Retrieved from